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Nivolumab (Nivo) as neoadjuvant therapy in patients with resectable Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) in CheckMate 358
23 septembra, 2020 4:52 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Melanoma/Skin Cancers Abstract number: 9505 Authors: Suzanne Louise Topalian, Shailender Bhatia,...
Neoadjuvant Nivolumab Leads to Tumor Regression in Resectable Merkel Cell Carcinoma
23 septembra, 2020 4:52 pmJune 4, 2018 The PD-1/PD-L1 pathway is commonly upregulated in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), a rare aggressive form of skin...
Léčba metastazujícího melanomu na ASCO 2018
23 septembra, 2020 4:52 pmImunoterapie i cílená léčba dokázaly významně zlepšit prognózu nemocných s metastazujícím melanomem, přesto zůstává ještě téměř polovina nemocných bez léčebné odpovědi či...
Accuracy of 68Ga-PSMA11 PET/CT on recurrent prostate cancer: Preliminary results from a phase 2/3 prospective trial
23 septembra, 2020 4:52 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Genitourinary (Prostate) Cancer Abstract number: 5001 Authors: Wolfgang Fendler, Jeremie Calais,...
Updated results from the enfortumab vedotin phase 1 (EV-101) study in patients with metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC)
23 septembra, 2020 4:51 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Genitourinary (Nonprostate) Cancer Abstract number: 4504 Authors: Jonathan E. Rosenberg, Srikala...
First results from the primary analysis population of the phase 2 study of erdafitinib (ERDA; JNJ-42756493) in patients (pts) with metastatic or unresectable urothelial carcinoma (mUC) and FGFR alterations (FGFRalt)
23 septembra, 2020 4:51 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Genitourinary (Nonprostate) Cancer Abstract number: 4503 Authors: Arlene O. Siefker-Radtke, Andrea...
Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in IMmotion151: Atezolizumab (atezo) + bevacizumab (bev) vs sunitinib (sun) in treatment (tx) naive metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC)
23 septembra, 2020 4:51 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Genitourinary (Nonprostate) Cancer Abstract number: 4511 Authors: Bernard Escudier, Robert J....
A randomized phase III trial between adjuvant docetaxel and surveillance after radical radiotherapy for intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer: Results of SPCG-13 trial
23 septembra, 2020 4:51 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Genitourinary (Prostate) Cancer Abstract number: 5000 Authors: Pirkko-Liisa Irmeli Kellokumpu-Lehtinen, Marie...
Adjuvant Docetaxel Fails to Improve DFS for Intermediate- or High-Risk Prostate Cancer
23 septembra, 2020 4:51 pmJune 14, 2018 Treatment with docetaxel without prednisone failed to improve biochemical disease-free survival (DFS) compared with surveillance in...
23 septembra, 2020 4:51 pmV dňoch 1. – 5. júna 2018 sa v americkom Chicagu uskutočnila výročná konferencia Americkej onkologickej spoločnosti (ASCO). Prezentované boli mnohé zaujímavé...