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Prospective pooled analysis of six phase III trials investigating duration of adjuvant (adjuv) oxaliplatin-based therapy (3 vs 6 months) for patients (pts) with stage III colon cancer (CC): The IDEA (International Duration Evaluation of Adjuvant chemotherapy) collaboration
29 septembra, 2020 8:29 pmMeeting: 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Gastrointestinal (Colorectal) Cancer Abstract number: LBA1 Citation: J Clin Oncol 35,...
Risk-Based Approach to Chemotherapy Duration Recommended for Stage III Colon Cancer
29 septembra, 2020 8:29 pmJune 4, 2017 effective as a standard 6-month course—with a difference in disease-free survival (DFS) of less than 1%—while...
Adjuvant capecitabine for biliary tract cancer: The BILCAP randomized study
29 septembra, 2020 8:29 pmMeeting: 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Gastrointestinal (Noncolorectal) Cancer Abstract number: 4006 Citation: J Clin Oncol 35,...
Post-Surgery Capecitabine ‘Should Become Standard of Care’ in Biliary Tract Cancers
29 septembra, 2020 8:29 pmJune 4, 2017 In a study of 447 patients with biliary tract cancers, capecitabine improved overall survival (OS) when...
Najvýznamnejšie klinické správy z konferencie ASCO 2017 v problematike nádorov gastrointestinálneho traktu
29 septembra, 2020 8:29 pmPočas prvého júnového týždňa tohto roka sa konal v Chicagu tradičný výročný kongres Americkej onkologickej spoločnosti (ASCO). Ako obvykle v rámci prednášok...
Everolimus (EVE) + exemestane (EXE) vs EVE alone or capecitabine (CAP) for estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) advanced breast cancer (ABC): BOLERO-6, an open-label phase 2 study
23 septembra, 2020 4:53 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Breast Cancer – Metastatic Abstract number: 1005 Authors: Guy Heinrich Maria...
Adjuvant denosumab in early breast cancer: First results from the international multicenter randomized phase III placebo-controlled D-CARE study
23 septembra, 2020 4:53 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant Abstract number: 501 Authors: Robert E. Coleman, Dianne Finkelstein,...
De-escalated treatment with trastuzumab-pertuzumab-letrozole in patients with HR+/HER2+ operable breast cancer with Ki67 response after 2 weeks letrozole: Final results of the PerELISA neoadjuvant study
23 septembra, 2020 4:53 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant Abstract number: 507 Authors: Valentina Guarneri, Maria Vittoria Dieci,...
PERSEPHONE: 6 versus 12 months (m) of adjuvant trastuzumab in patients (pts) with HER2 positive (+) early breast cancer (EBC): Randomised phase 3 non-inferiority trial with definitive 4-year (yr) disease-free survival (DFS) results
23 septembra, 2020 4:53 pmMeeting: 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting Track: Breast Cancer—Local/Regional/Adjuvant Abstract number: 506 Authors: Helena Margaret Earl, Louise Hiller,...
Persephone Demonstrates Noninferiority of Shorter Duration Adjuvant Trastuzumab in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
23 septembra, 2020 4:53 pmJune 5, 2018 A 6-month duration of adjuvant trastuzumab with chemotherapy was found to be noninferior to 12 months...