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Středa 20. ledna 2021, 14:45–16:15

State of the Art

Time: 1611150000
Now: 1740464080
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State of the Art

Předsednictvo: Karel Pacák, Luboš Petruželka, Karel Smetana, Petra Tesařová


14:45–15:05 The Role of Human Telomerase in the Pathogenesis of Cancer
Thomas R. Cech

15:05–15:25 Dual I-O based therapies and future perspectives in advanced thoracic cancers
Solange Peters

15:25–15:45 New Biology of Pheochromocytoma: Implications to Its Genetics, Diagnosis and Treatment
Karel Pacák

15:45–16:00 Single Cell Sequencing
Karel Smetana, Lukáš Lacina, Michal Kolář

16:00–16:15 Diskuze

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