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Čtvrtek 21. ledna 2021, 08:30–10:00

Oncological Gynaecology

Time: 1611213900
Now: 1736919825
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Oncological Gynaecology

Předsednictvo: David Cibula, Pavel Dundr, Roman Kocián, Luboš Petruželka, Michal Zikán


TOPIC: Current Indications and the Future of Targeted Treatment of Malignant Gynaecological Tumours

8:30–8:50 PARPi and Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
David Cibula

8:50–9:05 PD-1 Inhibitors and ADC as the New Standard in the Treatment of Cervical Cancer?
Roman Kocián

9:05–9:20 Phase III Study with the Targeted Treatment of Endometrial Cancer
Michal Vočka

9:20–9:40 Prognostic and Predictive Testing in Oncological Gynaecology
Pavel Dundr

09:40–10:00 Discussion

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