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Čtvrtek 21. ledna 2021, 14:20–15:50

Controversy in GIT Tumour Treatment

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Controversy in GIT Tumour Treatment

Předsednictvo: Zdeněk Krška, Radim Němeček, Luboš Petruželka, Miroslav Ryska, Michal Vočka


14:20–14:35 Radiotherapy versus other Modalities in the Treatment of Localised and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Soňa Argalácsová

14:35–14:50 Optimal Treatment Sequence in Patients with Metastatic  Colorectal Cancer with Proven BRAF Mutation – Results of Study versus Regular Clinical Practice
Radim Němeček

14:50–15:05 Potential New Possibilities of Targeted Therapy versus Chemotherapy in Patients with Metastatic Stomach Cancer
Milada Zemanová

15:05–15:20 New Possibilities of Immunotherapy in Patients with Tumours of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Luboš Petruželka

15:20–15:35 Discussion

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